September 10 Update

Today we had to build LANs at University. Incredibly easy stuff, but it’s better than sitting through a boring lecture on HTML frames.

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September 8 Update

I spent the weekend at my mum’s house. Last night I went to the drive-in and seen “Mr Deeds” and “Men in Black 2”.

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September 6 Update

There hasn’t been any exciting news this week.

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September 2 Update

Well, at last I’ve relaunched the site. There are still some sections incomplete that will be added over time, but I felt that overall the site was ready to launch.

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September 1 Update

I’ve just spent the weekend at my best friends’ (Justin’s) house. As always it was fun and we got up to our usual antics - this time doing some electronics stuff.

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August 30 Update

Today I decided to go into Sydney for something to do. I took the digital camera and took quite a few photos (some of these have been placed into the photography section).

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