Back from Melbourne

After a wonderful few days in Melbourne, we touched down in Sydney at 2:35pm today. The weather on landing wasn’t the best with heavy clouds + rain.

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In Melbourne

As I write this journal entry, I’m in Melbourne in my room at the Hotel Ibis.

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Two New Sections

I’ve added two new sections to the site under misc. These are:

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One day to go!

Early Monday morning I leave for Melbourne for a few days with Justin. I’ll be leaving home a bit after 7am to catch a 9:15am flight (extra time allows for delays and to have some breakfast at the airport).

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Whoops DNS!

I was screwing with the DNS last night - moving DNS for all three servers over to the main Largenets DNS servers - ns1/

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Subdomains more consistent

I’ve made some changes to the DNS and subdomains are now consistent among the various domains.

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