Journal System Enhanced

I’ve made several changes to the journal system:

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Still Developing

Well, I’m still spending time developing the new Largenets site.

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Outage Today

A short outage took place early this evening on UNI01, the main server to perform some software upgrades.

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Web Developing!

I’ve been busy the past few days developing a new website for Largenets. Whilst I can’t go into specifics at the moment, I can say that this site will have an easy to use CMS (Content Management System) as well as a fully integrated customer area featuring billing, helpdesk, knowledge base and more on one login!

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MRTG Graphs Improved

I’ve made some improvements to the scripting behind the MRTG Graphs.

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DVD Collection Updated

I’ve updated my DVD Collection to include my most recently purchased DVDs - Legally Blonde, Minority Report, Enemy of the State and Passenger 57.

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