

Well, it seems that the web crawlers from have been having a feast on my site. Their front page describes themselves as “ – the world’s leading plagiarism prevention system.”. In less than 24 hours, no less than 3000 hits have been registered – their bot has hit some pages over 60 times. As a matter of fact, in
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New MRTG Graphs

I’ve been experimenting with an addon to MRTG called “gbgraph. GBGraph creates informative graphs showing total data transfer for the month, daily data transfer, average daily transfer and more. Because my ISP iiNet only meters incoming data, I modified GBGraph to only graph incoming data and ignore outgoing data. Currently I’ve got gbgraph running on eth1/iinet (external interface), eth0 (internal
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Journal Re-Write

I’ve been developing this journal software over a period of a few months and have been adding features as time passes. Over time the codebase to the Journal had gotten quite messy. The entire journal code was in one large (321 line) file. I’ve spent the past day rewriting the journal software. Now the journal software is modular, easier to
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New MRTG Graphs

I’ve added and changed some of the MRTG graphs. The uptime graph now only shows the current uptime for EARTH. The load averages that were previously shown on this graph have now been moved to their own graph. The new graph shows the network statistics of my laptop JUPITER. This graph is here. As I experiment more with the capabilities
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Journal Enhanced

Thanks to an idea from [g]enetix over at the Whirlpool Forums, I’ve made two enhancements to the journal The journal can now display entries from the whole year. This was mentioned in this entry. When showing entries for the whole year, instead of printing every entry which could potentially result in a huge page, a short abstract of each entry
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Journal System Enhanced

I’ve made several changes to the journal system: Whilst these modifications were taking place, random 404 errors may have been noticed.
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Navigation Fixed

A few minutes ago I noticed a problem with the navigation on the site, the button “Publications” was linking to “/portfolio.php” on most pages in the site. This button should have been linking to “/publications.php”. I don’t know how this happened, but the longest time it could possibly have been this was is a few days. This has now been
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More Development

Such an exciting day! [/sarcasm] 🙂 Much of today was (yet again) spent redeveloping the Largenets Content Management System. For the new site, the CMS will basically be rewritten from scratch and will have many improvements that allow for easier management of the site including a web-based WYSIWYG editor. Once the CMS is finished, work will recommence on the customer
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Still Developing

Well, I’m still spending time developing the new Largenets site. A large portion of today was spent planning the RDBMS backend and CMS of the Largenets site. Everything is starting to shape together nicely so hopefully it won’t be too long before the new site gets launched.
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Outage Today

A short outage took place early this evening on UNI01, the main server to perform some software upgrades. This server hosts mail, images, journal, mrtg and the main site. The other two servers were up and running, but as the images and style sheets are served from UNI01, not all pages may have looked as they should. All seems
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