Photography Moved

The photography system has been moved again. All DNS entries are now pointing to the new location, but there may be a delay whilst ISP caches expire.

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Bye Radio Wazee

You’ve probably noticed a link to radio.wazee on the front page of my site before (under the “now playing on my computer”).

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Photography System

So far the integration of the new photography system is going well. The photography is now located at Now that the integration seems to be complete, more categories and images will be added soon.

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Journal System

Yesterday evening I made some changes in the journal to make it more search engine friendly. You’ll notice this by the filename - journal.php/year/month instead of journal.php?year=year&month=month.

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Journal Moved

I’ve moved the journal to its own subdomain;

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Going Going Gone!

Well, my mum would have left for QLD early this morning to live. I hope she has a safe trip and that the traffic isn’t too bad.

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