New MRTG Graphs

I’ve been experimenting with an addon to MRTG called “gbgraph.

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Journal Re-Write

I’ve been developing this journal software over a period of a few months and have been adding features as time passes.

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New MRTG Graphs

I’ve added and changed some of the MRTG graphs.

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Journal Enhanced

Thanks to an idea from [g]enetix over at the Whirlpool Forums, I’ve made two enhancements to the journal The journal can now display entries from the whole year. This was mentioned in this entry.

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Navigation Fixed

A few minutes ago I noticed a problem with the navigation on the site, the button “Publications” was linking to “/portfolio.php” on most pages in the site. This button should have been linking to “/publications.php”.

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More Development

Such an exciting day! [/sarcasm] :-)

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