Man with Opal card implant fined

March 16, 2018

I remember reading almost a year ago about Meow-Ludo Disco Gamma Meow-Meow who had an Opal card chip implanted in his hand so he could tap-on and tap-off NSW public transport without carrying a physical card.

At the time I thought it was interesting but legally interesting as while Mr Meow-Meow (yes, that’s his legal name) was still paying for his public transport he still isn’t travelling with a valid ticket (a valid ticket is an undamaged physical Opal card or single-trip Opal that has been validated, or a valid payment instrument for services which accept credit cards). Today in court Mr Meow-Meow was fined for not travelling without a valid ticket.

I still find such RFID implants quite intriguing but the only way I’d ever even consider one is if it could replace all of my public transport cards. As a regular traveller, I currently hold Opal (NSW), GoCard (QLD), Myki (Victoria), MyWay (ACT), Metrocard (Adelaide), Clipper (San Francisco), Oyster (Singapore), and a bunch of others.
