Myst 25th Anniversary Collection

April 11, 2018
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To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the game that was responsible for my wasted childhood, Cyan is releasing a special 25th anniversary collection of the entire Myst series.

The set includes the following:

  • Myst: Masterpiece Edition
  • Riven: The sequel to Myst
  • Myst 3: Exile
  • Myst 4: Revelation
  • Myst 5: End of Ages
  • Uru: Complete Chronicles
  • realMyst: Masterpiece

They even built a Linking Book which has a 800×480 LCD screen that plays video fly-throughs of the game which can also be purchased at the higher backing levels.

I’ve actually started playing Myst again recently and am thoroughly enjoying it. While the DVD copies of the game included in the set are useless to me (I haven’t had a DVD drive in years) it’s a very tempting purchase as digital copies are also included.
